Skunkware 5
Skunkware 5.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
165 lines
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Wu, Udi Manber, Burra Gopal. All Rights Reserved. */
/* this file contains various utility functions for accessing
and manipulating regular expression syntax trees. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "re.h"
/* */
/* the following routines implement an abstract data type "stack". */
/* */
Stack Push(s, v)
Stack *s;
Re_node v;
Stack node;
new_node(Stack, node, node);
if (s == NULL || node == NULL) return NULL; /* can't allocate */
node->next = *s;
node->val = v;
if (*s == NULL) node->size = 1;
else node->size = (*s)->size + 1;
*s = node;
return *s;
Re_node Pop(s)
Stack *s;
Re_node node;
Stack temp;
if (s == NULL || *s == NULL) return NULL;
else {
temp = *s;
node = (*s)->val;
*s = (*s)->next;
return node;
Re_node Top(s)
Stack s;
if (s == NULL) return NULL;
else return s->val;
int Size(s)
Stack s;
if (s == NULL) return 0;
else return s->size;
/* */
/* the following routines manipulate sets of positions. */
/* */
int occurs_in(n, p)
int n;
Pset p;
while (p != NULL)
if (n == p->posnum) return 1;
else p = p->nextpos;
return 0;
/* pset_union() takes two position-sets and returns their union. */
Pset pset_union(s1, s2)
Pset s1, s2;
Pset hd, curr, new = NULL;
hd = NULL;
curr = NULL;
while (s1 != NULL) {
if (!occurs_in(s1->posnum, s2)) {
new_node(Pset, new, new);
if (new == NULL) return NULL;
new->posnum = s1->posnum;
if (hd == NULL) hd = new;
else curr->nextpos = new;
curr = new;
s1 = s1->nextpos;
if (hd == NULL) hd = s2;
else curr->nextpos = s2;
return hd;
/* create_pos() creates a position node with the position value given,
then returns a pointer to this node. */
Pset create_pos(n)
int n;
Pset x;
new_node(Pset, x, x);
if (x == NULL) return NULL;
x->posnum = n;
x->nextpos = NULL;
return x;
/* eq_pset() takes two position sets and checks to see if they are
equal. It returns 1 if the sets are equal, 0 if they are not. */
subset_pset(s1, s2)
Pset s1, s2;
int subs = 1;
while (s1 != NULL && subs != 0) {
subs = 0;
while (s2 != NULL && subs != 1)
if (s1->posnum == s2->posnum) subs = 1;
else s2 = s2->nextpos;
s1 = s1->nextpos;
return subs;
int eq_pset(s1, s2)
Pset s1, s2;
return subset_pset(s1, s2) && subset_pset(s2, s1);
word_exists(word, wordlen, line, linelen)
unsigned char *word, *line;
int wordlen, linelen;
unsigned char oldchar, *lineend = line+linelen;
int i;
i = 0;
while(line<lineend) {
if (!isalnum(line[i])) {
oldchar = line[i];
line[i] = '\0';
if (!strncmp(line, word, wordlen)) {
line[i] = oldchar;
return 1;
line[i] = oldchar;
line += i + 1;
i = 0;
} else i++;
return 0;